Club Sponsors

Dixie Curling Centre is grateful for the support of many community-minded businesses. Our sponsors help make Dixie Curling run smoothly. Please support them whenever you can. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in becoming one of our club sponsors, please contact the club. Sponsorship levels vary and we are flexible in designing a support package that meets your specific needs. 

2024-2025 Sponsorship Opportunities are now available.
Please contact 
for more details.

See our 2024-2025 Sponsorship Packages HERE


Would you like to make a tax dedectable dontation to the
Dixie Curling Centre's Capital Campaign?

You can do so through the National Sport Trust Fund
or contact the office directly





Our Sponsors

Dixie Curling Crest

3071 Palstan Road
Mississauga, Ontario  L4Y 2Z7

Tel: 905-276-1777 
Fax: 905-276-1711 


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