The Next Steps in Your Curling Journey

Dixie Curling Leagues – Next Steps for New Curlers

Dixie Curling Centre is always happy to welcome new members and those looking to improve their skills! Take a look at our offerings that best suit new curlers below:

Adult Learn-to-Curl

Our Learn-to-Curl program the perfect next step after completing a Try Curling clinic. It is a five-week course during which you will learn the basics of the game from our instructors. Each session is two hours in length and all necessary equipment (slip-on grippers, step-on sliders, brooms, delivery sticks) is provided. This is the perfect crash course for brand new curlers and those with 1-2 years of limited/social experience looking to correct their form.

By the end of this program curlers will have a good sense of delivery, sweeping skills, basic strategy, gameplay, etiquette.

Novice Leagues

Full Season League: Rotational position-play designed to learn more about the game from all angles. Coaches periodically hop on the ice to help with strategy and offer tips on rock delivery and sweeping.

6-Week Leagues: A 6-week session designed to dip your toe in the curling world. Volunteer coaches are on the ice to help with strategy and offer tips on rock delivery and sweeping. Great for anyone who has completed or is participating in a Learn-To-Curl program and is looking for more.

Prime Social Leagues

These leagues operate in multi-week draws and teams are reorganized for each draw. Players can get the best of both words as the focus of these leagues are fun and learning.

Wednesday Night Women: The Wednesday Night Women’s League plays every Wednesday alternating between 6:50 pm and 9:10 pm. Our section’s goal is to provide the best balance of social camaraderie, competition, and skill development in a women’s only league. Members apply on an individual basis and are then placed on a team. Players are assigned a playing position (lead, 2nd, vice or skip) based on their skill level and indicated preference.

Wednesday Night Men: This Men’s League plays every Wednesday alternating between 6:50 and 9:10 pm. The goal of the Wednesday night men’s league is to provide the best balance of competition, growth, and fellowship in a men’s only league. Members apply on an individual basis and are then placed on a team using a ‘blind draw’ by the skips at the start of each draw. Players are assigned a playing position (lead, 2nd, vice or skip) based on their skill level and indicated preference. This proven method enhances the social nature of the sport while structuring teams having similar skill levels for spirited play.

Friday Social Mixed (Afternoon and Night Draws Available): With nearly 150 curlers of varying skill levels playing in two divisions, the Friday Social Mixed leagues have something for everyone. The name of the game is fun while giving new curlers the opportunity to learn the game. Every six or seven weeks, new teams are formed allowing you to meet and play with new people throughout the league. Couples may curl together on the same team (if they request it) and friends on the same draw. This very popular social mixed league is open to pairs and individual members of Dixie.

The teams are assigned by the ‘draw committee’. Couples can choose to curl with their spouse/partner/friend or curl on different teams at the same draw time. This is a social league, a great place for new curlers and to have FUN!

Day Curling (9:30am and 12:45pm draw times)

Please visit the Dixie website or contact the Dixie Curling office directly for more information on various Day Curling opportunities. Each group has multiple leagues available that differ from season to season.

Day Men: The Dixie Curling Club offers various daytime curling opportunities for men of all skill levels – from beginner to advanced. The Day Men’s program offers club league curling on Mondays and/or Friday mornings. The Country Gentlemen’s league is comprised of senior men who are currently registered at Dixie, who elect to sign up, and compete against visiting teams from other clubs. Curlers are invited to sign up for either Monday, Friday, both or all days.

Day Women: The Dixie Day Women's Section is an active and dynamic group of female curlers who enjoy camaraderie and share a love for the sport of curling. The Day Women offer a variety of weekly programs throughout the season for curlers at every level, from beginner to competitive. The season consists of a series of four draws, each lasting approx. 5-6 weeks. Teams change every draw so that members get to know each other better.

Rates and Registration

The above leagues and programs are considered to be the best options for curlers who are still learning the sport; unless stated in the league’s rules there is no restriction on which of our many other options you can enter. Rates differ based on your membership, curling background, how many times per week you’d like to curl, and what time(s) of day you’d like to curl. As a ‘new curler’ you qualify for discounted rate in up to two leagues next season (6-week leagues excluded). Please keep an eye on the club’s social media and website toward the end of the summer for update on registration!

Our Sponsors

Dixie Curling Crest

3071 Palstan Road
Mississauga, Ontario  L4Y 2Z7

Tel: 905-276-1777 
Fax: 905-276-1711 


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