Open Leagues

Monday Afternoon Skins CYOR

Every Monday, a skins format will run at 4:15pm. The Monday Afternoon Skins League is designed for teams of any combination of male and female curlers who are members of Dixie Curling Centre. Although complete team entries are preferred, partial teams and individual entries will also be considered.  The level of play is varied and the league is limited to 14 teams plus spares.

Convenor – Basil Bullock

Mondays Skins Rules

Tuesday Afternoon OCYOR

The Tuesday afternoon OCYOR League is designed for teams of any combination of male and female curlers who are members of the Dixie Curling Centre. Although complete team entries are preferred, partial teams and individual entries will also be considered. The league will play exclusively on Tuesday afternoons at 4:15pm. The level of play is varied and the league is limited to 14 teams.

Convenor – Fran Todd

Tuesday Night OCYOR

The Tuesday Night OCYOR league runs every Tuesday evening at 6:50pm or 9:10pm draw tim The Open Choose Your Own Rink format allows you to assemble your own team of four Dixie members in any combination of men or women playing at any position. Preference is made to team entries, however single entries are accepted. The level of play is varied and the league is limited to 14 teams plus spares.

Convenor – John Kajin

Wednesday Afternoon OCYOR

The Wednesday Afternoon OCYOR League is designed for teams of any combination of male and female curlers who are members of the Dixie Curling Centre. Although complete team entries are preferred, partial teams and individual entries will also be considered. The level of play is varied and the league is limited to 12 teams plus spares.

Convenor – David Findlay

League Rules

Thursday Night OCYOR

The Thursday Night OCYOR league blends competitiveness with the social aspect of the sport. Curlers of all skill levels are welcome. A ladder system is used so that teams at similar skill levels play against each other. Based on the team’s record after each round the team either moves up or down in the ladder sections. The league plays exclusively on Thursday nights alternating between 6:50pm and 9:10pm draw times. Entries are limited to 30 teams; teams can be comprised of any combination of male or female players at any position. Team entries are preferred; however every effort will be made to accommodate partial teams and individual entries.

League Convenor – Craig Anderson

Our Sponsors

Dixie Curling Crest

3071 Palstan Road
Mississauga, Ontario  L4Y 2Z7

Tel: 905-276-1777 
Fax: 905-276-1711 


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